Sunday, September 15, 2024

Monday 9/16/24 and Wednesday 9/18 - No 9am class

Monday 9/16/24 and Wednesday 9/18 - No 9am class

Friday, August 30, 2024

Progress is Happiness

Congratulations to Eleanor on her excellent 6th kyu test this past Saturday morning! We had a great turn out to support her first test.  Afterwards we had wonderful demos from our black belts to show what is in store for her and everyone’s future practice.
All journeys start with the first step. Come take yours with us. Learn more at

Happy Labor Day!!

 No class Monday 9/2.  Enjoy the holiday!

All other classes this week are on.  See you on the mat!

Monday, August 19, 2024

This week in the dojo... (8/20-8/27 2024)

 Dojo Updates this week:


FYI, No Low Impact Class on Wednesday 8/21/24.  All other classes will be held as usual.


Testing!  Please join us Saturday 8/24/24 at 9AM to help Elenor  graduate to 6th kyu!

See you at the dojo!


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

O To To

This is how Sensei would describe the feeling we are looking to elicit within uke (the attacker) BEFORE the throw happens. “O To To” is what the Japanese say when they stumble. We would say “oops” or some more colorful euphemism that also starts with “Oh...”.
This pic captures this moment perfectly. Jason is a talented Aikidoka and uke, but even he cannot stand on the tip of his toes. Peter Sensei has completely removed all sense of balance from Jason and I was lucky to capture it. This moment is well before what most observers would see as the throw. However this moment is why a “throw” is possible.
Whether in an argument, debate, work “discussion”, or street fight, we want to get our opponents to this point. Only then can we persuade our uke to a position more favorable to us.
Intrigued? Stop by and check us out.